Surveillance camera system policy

Use of surveillance camera systems

Each surveillance camera system will have its own site or task specific objectives, for example protecting areas and premises used by our officers and members of the public by deterring and detecting crime and anti-social behaviour. 

We will ensure that:

  • the use of a surveillance camera system is in pursuit of a legitimate aim 
  • the installation or deployment of such a system is a proportionate and necessary response in those circumstances

We will aim to ensure that the use of new surveillance camera systems is subject to both:

  • a Data Protection Impact Assessment 
  • an assessment against the Surveillance Camera Commissioner’s Self-Assessment Tool.  The outcome of that assessment shall be subject to regular review

We will ensure that clear signage is in place identifying when an individual is entering into an area that is monitored by a surveillance camera system. Signage will identify the council as the organisation responsible for the information captured by that system.  It will state the purpose for which the recording is taking place along with contact details for further information.

We shall ensure that privacy notices include appropriate information to inform individuals where their personal data may be processed by a surveillance camera system. 

Security of surveillance camera systems, images and recordings

We will restrict access to surveillance camera systems, images and recordings only to those who have a clearly defined business need. System Operators are responsible for determining who can access the system.

We shall ensure that any person who is required to operate and, or access a surveillance camera system is appropriately trained. 

We shall ensure that there are effective security measures in place to ensure the integrity of:

  • our surveillance camera systems 
  • the images and information recorded by them 

All images and information obtained from a surveillance camera system shall be subject to our information security policies and procedures. 


We will not keep images and information obtained from a surveillance camera system for longer than is necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they were obtained.

We will agree retention periods for each surveillance camera system.  We will review these at appropriate intervals. 

Disclosure of images and recordings

We will control the disclosure of images and recordings obtained from a surveillance camera system.  This will ensure consistency with the stated purpose for which the system was established.

We will consider any request to access images and recordings obtained from a surveillance camera system on a case by case basis.  Advice should be sought from the SRO or Information Assurance Team prior to any information being shared. 

We shall ensure individuals are able to exercise their data protection rights in respect of images and recordings obtained from a surveillance camera system. Such requests will be considered in accordance with data protection legislation. 

We shall ensure that appropriate records are maintained in respect of all requests for disclosure of images and recordings obtained from a surveillance camera system.