Expected attendance
Children who are attending school for more than 95% of the possible sessions are considered as attending as expected.
Where no other services are involved, the school will provide universal support which includes:
- first day of absence contact
- following school absence process
- regular communication with parents
- input to pupils on attendance– assemblies, tutor time
- regular monitoring of attendance data
- regular sharing of attendance data to all staff
- attendance a feature of parent evenings
- system or praise for recognising improvement in attendance
- reference to attendance in any early help assessment
For children on CiN or CP plans or CinC
- regular updates to agencies involved of improved or falling attendance
- school attendance discussed at TAC, CiN, CP and CinC meeting as regular feature
For children with special educational needs, medical needs and EHCP
- regular monitoring of attendance including days of illness, medical appointments to ensure all needs are met