Vision and key principles
- to secure value for money and maximise the benefits from our spend with suppliers
- to support the delivery of appropriate, affordable and quality services for the people of Lincolnshire
- to work well with our partners and suppliers, ensuring high standards of practice
Key principles
This strategy is based on the following key principles:
- we are clear how our funds are spent and how this offers value for money for Lincolnshire residents
- we take a Lincolnshire-based approach to procurement, working with other public bodies where possible
- we will manage suppliers to ensure commitments are met
- we will increase our understanding of the challenges suppliers face and work hard to make Lincolnshire markets sustainable
- we will seek community benefits through procurement
- we will provide procurement opportunities to small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
Key challenges
Financial pressures
- the council is experiencing sustained financial pressure, with an increasing demand for services and reduced funding
- we recognise that competition through procurement helps maximise the value of our spend with providers
- we will explore opportunities to generate revenue and reduce costs, without putting public funds and services at risk
Safeguarding the vulnerable
- the council has a duty to safeguard vulnerable residents eligible for social care and other health-related services. The complexity of needs and demand are both growing, within a difficult market
- we will monitor suppliers and have controls in our contracts to protect vulnerable service users and ensure quality
- we will provide support to suppliers who need it, identifying any concerns and how they can be addressed
Service quality
- the council will procure the quality of services needed to deliver the outcomes identified in the Corporate Plan
- we will define our requirements clearly so that contracts are easy to understand
Market sufficiency
- the council's suppliers range from large multinational companies to local charities, with some finding it difficult to remain sustainable in the current financial climate
- we will work with suppliers and service users to shape a vibrant, competitive market encouraging SME participation. This will be supported by planning to minimise the effects of any supplier failure
- climate change, plastic pollution and the use of natural resources are important issues the council has a duty to consider, both with regard to its own operations and those of suppliers
- we will ensure suppliers consider how to minimise their impact on the environment and adopt sustainable business practices
Commercial management
- we will ensure commercial terms hold suppliers to account while striking a balance that is fair to both parties
- our contracts will protect the interests of the council while providing sustainable commercial opportunities for suppliers
- we will favour open-book arrangements, and our contract terms will reflect the size and value of the contract and the market
- pur procurement processes will be efficient, and we will work with commissioning colleagues to let contracts promptly
Legal compliance
- the council operates in a regulated environment where the consequences of getting things wrong are costly
- we will ensure we have the skills, practices and capability to effectively manage risk when making commercial and procurement decisions
How we will deliver
Compliance and transparency
- we will operate effective governance arrangements, with transparency around what decisions have been made and why
- we will have strong internal processes to ensure procurements comply with our regulatory duties
- we will manage the quality of our procurement practices through Quality Assurance, Gateways and Peer Reviews
Value for money
Specifications and contracting terms
- we will use market knowledge when developing specifications and contractual obligations
- we will identify outcomes that are important to Lincolnshire and ensure suppliers are held to account for delivering them
- we will build payment mechanisms to encourage and reward good performance
- we will introduce a set of light-touch terms and conditions for procurements of lower value
Category management
- procurement resources will be allocated to the market areas or categories we rely on most, helping us improve our understanding of them
- our key spending areas are:
- Adult Care and Community Wellbeing
- Children's Social Care
- Education
- Information Technology (IT)
- Environmental Services (including waste)
- Highways (incl. grounds maintenance)
- Property Services (including construction)
- Transport and Vehicles
- Employment Services, Agency Workers and Consultancy
Supplier relationship management
- we will identify strategic suppliers and engage with them to:
- improve performance
- reduce cost
- mitigate risk
- support innovation
- share benefit as appropriate
- the council will take a reasonable and collaborative approach to managing relationships with strategic suppliers
Contract management
- our contracts will be regularly reviewed to monitor service delivery, compliance, transparency and actual versus planned spend
- opportunities for additional value from specification and performance reviews will be assessed on an ongoing basis
- any agreed contract changes will be recorded as part of a change control process
- where suppliers are experiencing difficulty, we will do our best to support them to succeed
Partnerships, collaboration and relationship management
- we will work collaboratively and develop relationships with other public sector organisations in Lincolnshire such as:
- the NHS
- schools
- Lincolnshire Police
- district councils
- the Local Enterprise Partnership
- the University of Lincoln
- we will adopt a 'one Lincolnshire' approach to our contracts, seeking to ensure they complement related services contracted by public sector partners
- we will contribute to regional and national working groups, sharing best practice and guidance for the benefit of the public sector
Efficient practices
- we will use frameworks awarded by public buying organisations such as Crown Commercial Services and the Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation where they meet our requirements
- this will help us to benefit from the public sector's purchasing power whilst saving on time and resources
- we will follow the council's Contract and Procurement Procedure Rules and use the exception process in those rules, particularly for Social Services
- when appropriate, we will use tried and tested solutions rather than creating bespoke new ones
- in routine contracts, we will use standard documents and contract terms for simplicity and speed
- we will invest in skills development and build capacity so the council has a highly skilled and experienced procurement team
Social and community benefits
- in our procurement, we will consider whether additional community benefits can be achieved without significantly increasing costs
- we will look at how suppliers can provide opportunities to young people, including any in line with our Corporate Parenting Strategy
- our specifications will have regard to the environment, especially energy efficiency, waste reduction and the use of natural resources
- we will provide "always-on" digital tendering support for suppliers, giving SMEs the back-up they need to bid for our contracts