Physical security policy

Working from home

Physical documents, files, and devices must be always subject to a reasonable level of security.  For example by placing them in a locked drawer.

Family and friends must be prevented from accessing or using our assets.

Ensure you lock your computer screen before leaving it unattended.

Keep the amount of paper documents to an absolute minimum.

Staff must be careful if removing sensitive or confidential paper documents from the office.  They must seek authority from their line manager before doing so.

Where possible set up a designated place to work.  This will help keep your work organised, reducing the likelihood of misplaced information.

Maintain a clear desk at home.

When having work conversations take steps to keep things confidential by:

  • being in another room to any family members
  • ensuring that the door is closed
  • avoid disruption if possible
  • turn off smart devices to avoid accidental recording or listening