Appendix 1 - top up funding

Process outline
Leaving care worker submits request for financial assistance to team manager
- Is the care leaver under 21 years of age?
- If yes, proceed to step 2
- If no, stop
- Have all other avenues of financial support been exhausted?
- If yes, proceed to step 3
- If no, stop
- Is the care leaver making a reasonable contribution to rent or do they still not have their status agreed from the Home office?
- If yes, proceed to step 4
- If no, stop
- Has the case been fully presented to the service manager or corporate parenting manager?
- If yes, proceed to step 5
- If no, stop
- Has the funding been agreed by the budget holder and signed off by the assistant director?
- If yes, proceed to step 6
- If no, stop
- Barnardos make payment direct to landlord
- Additional payments tracked and reported or recovered monthly
- Review payments quarterly
- Are the payments still justified?
- If yes, proceed to step 6
- If no, stop
*Note – young people in education or training post 21 may be able to apply for rent gap support
Barnardo's Leaving Care offices
2 Deacon Road
Tel: 01522 575955