The team provides a full range of employment law services to local authorities, academies and maintained schools. This encompasses assistance ranging from:
- issues regarding the employment contract
- advice and drafting on policies and procedures
- advice on all types of workforce matters including the application of TUPE
- drafting and negotiations relating to the use of settlement agreements and the conduct of proceedings and advocacy in the employment tribunal.
We have extensive experience of employment advice within the local government sector and educational establishments.
We have an excellent working knowledge of the constraints in managing employment matters within these sectors and provide a high quality, efficient and client focused service.
Examples of work include:
- advice on the major insourcing of a client's services from an external contractor
- advice on the restructure of a client's people management function
- successfully obtained a deposit order in respect of an employment tribunal claim and subsequent strike out of the claims
- advice on the drafting of new employment policies for a major client
- attendance at judicial mediation which resulted in a successful conclusion of a contentious and high profile employment tribunal claim