Engagement report - Louth town centre

Different use of the Market Place

Pavement cafés

Question 5:

Are you a business owner operating in Louth?

Graph showing results for business owners

83 (6%) of respondents were a business owner operating in Louth. 

Question 6:

How likely or unlikely, would you be to use the space on the Market Place to operate a pavement café under licence by Lincolnshire County Council?

Graph showing question 6 results

Out of 83 businesses, 6 (7%) said they would be very likely or likely to use the space on the Market Place to operate a pavement café under licence by Lincolnshire County Council. 

Question 7:

Please provide any additional comments on why you have answered this way

There were 49 text responses explaining the reasons for choosing the option. 48 comments were from those who would be unlikely or very unlikely to use the space on the Market Place to operate a pavement café. The majority of representatives said operating cafés was not their main business activity.
Main themes in these comments were grouped as follows:

  • to keep and possibly increase the current parking provision
  • to facilitate cafes and stalls to share space on market days
  • to seasonally allow alternative use of the Market Place

Community events

Question 8:

How likely or unlikely would you or the organisation you represent be to use this space to hold events?

Graph showing question 8 results

160 respondents (12%) said they would be very likely or likely to use this space to hold events.

Question 9:

Please provide any additional comments on why you have answered this way

There were 295 text responses explaining the reasons for supporting the chosen option.

Respondents generally supported holding events in Market Place and felt Market Place could become a central community open space.

Over 30% of those who provided additional comments said they would be very likely or likely to hold events in Market Place, expressed their interest in holding them. This included businesses and organisations.

Top themes and, or suggestions were grouped as follows:

  • close occasionally for events – 36 responses
  • keep current parking arrangements – 31 responses
  • share space on market days – 4 responses
  • increase town centre parking – 3 responses

Your ideas

Question 10:

Please use this space to provide any other potential ideas on how the Market Place could be used on non-market days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday).

There were 601 text responses with other potential ideas on how the Market Place could be used on non-market days.

These include 189 comments supporting to keep current parking arrangements.

The top three other potential ideas were grouped as follows:

  • activities and events, for example live entertainment (theatre, music, concerts, parades), community awareness events or activities (115 comments)
  • encouraging more businesses into town centre – for example pop ups stalls, themed market days (farmer’s market, craft markets, antiques fairs, street food market or food trucks) (57)
  • enhancing street scene for example by providing seating and benches for all to use, adding some greenery (flower beds, pots, or trees) (48)