Spalding High School Year 12 (Sixth Form) Admission Policy 2025

Published admission number

Spalding High School is a girls' grammar school with a mixed sex sixth form.

The Published Admission Number (PAN) for students joining the school at the beginning of Year 12 is 50. This does not include students continuing at the sixth form after Year 11.

The approximate number in the sixth form (Years 12 and 13) is 250.

The school is responsible for sixth form admissions so you should approach the school for details. The school will make offers of places subject to the outcome of the actual exams. Year 11 students at the school transfer automatically provided:

  • they meet the academic standards set out below and 
  • the school can provide the relevant course or combination of courses

In certain cases, the school may offer a place in the sixth form, but for a different combination of courses than the one preferred by the applicant.

We are the Admission Authority for the school. The oversubscription criteria shown below will be applied if there are more applications than available places.