Lincolnshire's SEND and Alternative Provision Inclusion Plan


What does Lincolnshire's SEND and AP Inclusion Plan aim to do?

Lincolnshire is committed to continuous improvement to deliver the best experiences and outcomes for children and young people with SEND and for their families.  

Lincolnshire’s SEND and AP inclusion plan captures this journey. The plan details the progress that has been made as part of Lincolnshire’s SEND transformation work alongside the commitments in place across the local area as we continue forward.  

This plan details the actions to be taken from across a range of stakeholders, the intended positive impact on outcomes as a result of these actions and how we intend to measure success from robust oversight and review.  

What is our strategic vision for inclusion?

This inclusion plan has been developed in partnership with a wide range of stakeholders, including young people, parents, early years’ providers, schools and post-16 providers, as well as health and local authority staff. Together, we have defined our inclusive ambition:

  1. children and young people, parents, carers and professionals will have a strong understanding of the graduated approach and support available in Lincolnshire enabling it to be implemented in a proactive, robust and meaningful way
  2. mainstream settings will have strong knowledge and understanding of supporting children and young people with additional needs and are able to use meaningful and effective ways to teach the range of skills that will enable aspirations to be reached
  3. settings are able to proactively work together with families to ensure that the home environment reflects the support taking place within the school practice, in order to best meet a child or young person’s needs
  4. children and families will feel supported by their community and have confidence with the SEND system, because the right support is provided at the right time
  5. settings and professionals will work with families to recognise what need is being communicated by children and young people’s behaviours, enabling wrap around strategies to be provided within a fully inclusive approach  
  6. we will have high aspirations for children and young people with additional needs to enable them to be fully prepared for their adulthood, using effective support and planning to effectively meet needs and outcomes that will lead to higher  achievement and increased personal resilience