Lincolnshire's Inclusion Strategy

How do we know our strategic vision is working?

How will we measure success?

We will continue to work closely with the Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum (LPCF) and Lincolnshire Young Voices (LYV) to ensure that children, young people and their families co- produce developments and support in evaluating progress towards milestones:

  • robust and meaningful application of appropriate early response to meet children and young people’s additional needs as early as possible through evidence-based strategies and interventions that impact positively on outcomes, and prevents harm or their needs from deteriorating
  • improved attendance for children and young people, with part-time timetables only used temporarily as a short-term solution in very exceptional circumstances
  • reduced suspensions and permanent exclusions from educational settings
  • a skilled, knowledgeable, and experienced workforce with the ability to implement robust support that enables children and young people to have their needs met at their local mainstream educational setting with tailored support  
  • increased confidence in mainstream schools and the support ordinarily available within the Local Area to meet children and young people’s needs
  • a reduced reliance and demand on specialist support and provision, including specialist settings, alternative placements, and specialist services as a result of strengthened early intervention and confidence in mainstream provision
  • increased achievements and positive outcomes gained by children and young people with additional needs
  • flexible, proactive, and coherent planning across transitions that provides children and young people and their families with the support and appropriate preparation to move confidently between the various phases and stages of education and, eventually, into adulthood
  • positive feedback from children and young people and parent/carers with support tailored to individual needs that enables children and young people to make positive choices and feel that they belong in their school and local community

How will we keep our strategic vision under review?

Each strategy that sits under our over-arching SEND strategy will be reviewed in line with their timeline and governance.  We will then review our SEND strategy on an annual basis within the SEND learning partnership board and the SEND steering group.