Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel

The Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel scrutinises the actions and decisions of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Lincolnshire.

View the papers for the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel (PCP) Meetings

Watch the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel (PCP) Meetings

The PCC is responsible for deciding the priorities and budget for the Lincolnshire police force and is accountable to the public for the performance of the police force.

The Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel has a number of powers and responsibilities, including:

  • Scrutinising the actions and decisions of the Police and Crime Commissioner.
  • Reviewing the draft Police and Crime Plan to ensure local priorities have been considered.
  • Scrutinising and commenting upon the Annual Report of the PCC.
  • Reviewing and reporting on the precept proposed by the PCC. The Panel has the right to veto the Commissioner's proposed policing precept.
  • Holding confirmation hearings for the proposed appointment of a Chief Constable and senior PCC support staff.

The Panel does not scrutinise the performance of the Chief Constable as this is the responsibility of the PCC.

Ask a panel member a question in a meeting
If you would like to submit a question to a panel member please email or write to:

Head of Democratic Services
Lincolnshire County Council
County Offices

Questions must be in line with the panel's Rules of Procedure. For more information please email the Lincolnshire Police and Crime Panel officer using the email address above. Questions must be submitted by midday at least five clear working days before a meeting.

Make a complaint against the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire

If you would like to make a complaint against the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire please contact;

Mr Malcolm Burch
Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire
Deepdale Lane
Nr Lincoln
