Internal audit charter


Audit committee

The audit committee is a key component of the council's governance framework.  They underpin good governance and financial standards by providing an independent and high-level focus on:
  • the audit
  • assurance 
  • reporting arrangements 
The committee provides independent assurance to the council members of the adequacy of the:
  • risk management framework
  • internal control environment 
  • integrity of the financial reporting and annual governance processes
It oversees internal audit and external audit.  This helps to ensure efficient and effective assurance arrangements are in place.
For the purposes of the UK Public Sector Internal Audit Standards the audit committee performs the role of the 'board'. 
The audit committee complies with CIPFA best practice standards through their terms of reference and work programme.
The audit committee will:
  • approve the internal audit charter
  • approve the risk-based internal audit plan
  • receive reports from the head of internal audit on internal audit activity’s performance relative to its plan and other matters

Standards of internal audit practice

We work in accordance with the international professional practices’ framework of the chartered institute of internal auditors.  
We are further guided by interpretation provided by the:
  • Public sector internal audit standards (the standards)
  • CIPFA local government application note  
  • CIPFA publication on the “role of the head of internal audit”
This charter is a fundamental requirement of the framework.