Engagement report – parental childcare sufficiency project


Executive summary

  • this is a statutory, annual survey of current and potential childcare users. This year it was open for four weeks
  • it was very widely promoted to:
    • news outlets and partners
    • social media
    • staff
    • the public and councillors (who were also invited to share the information locally)
  • the survey has received 1,164 responses, 1,106 of which use, want to use or intend to use childcare in Lincolnshire
  • of the 1,106 respondents, 178 had children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND)
  • most respondents, 67.4%, felt they had sufficient childcare to meet their current needs
  • the vast majority of those who felt they needed more childcare required afterschool club places or holiday clubs
  • the availability of childcare was the most prohibitive factor for parents accessing childcare, followed by cost
  • the most frequently made comment related to a lack of availability of childcare followed by wraparound care


The local authority has a duty to secure sufficient childcare to meet the demands of parents who work or wish to study or train (Childcare Act 2006).

The early years and childcare team have undertaken a parental survey as part of the statutory annual Childcare Sufficiency Assessment 2024.

The parental survey was published on Let’s talk Lincolnshire for parents and carers of children under 19 years of age to provide their views and experience of childcare in Lincolnshire.

The aim was to find out if the needs for childcare are being met across Lincolnshire. The service wanted to know if parents can access the childcare provision they need and when and where they need it. The information will help the team to plan new services that will benefit parents and children.

The page included useful links for help with:

  • childcare costs
  • information on the Lincolnshire family service directory which supports the Local Offer, Lincolnshire's family hubs and the start for life programme. It provides information on useful local organisations and activities.

Additionally, there was a survey on SNAP to childcare providers to gather information about their services.

The results from both surveys will formulate a report which will be shared with our directorate leadership team (DLT) in June 2024. Additionally, the results will feed into the childcare delivery plan 2025 to 2026, which will be shared with DLT for approval in June.


Public – anyone who uses or is planning to use childcare services in Lincolnshire.


A survey was open to the public on the homepage of Let’s talk Lincolnshire for four weeks from 16 April to 14 May 2024. The dates of this survey ran alongside a survey that was being completed by childcare providers.

Promotion was carried out via various methods:

  • news releases were sent out to local media outlets
  • social media messages were sent out on the following pages:
    • Lincolnshire County Council
    • Children’s Centres
    • Maternity Hub
    • 0 to 18 Children Health
  • an article was put in the town and parish council newsletter
  • email newsletters sent to the following, asking that they share the survey with their parents:
    • childcare settings
    • schools
    • children’s clubs
    • childcare groups
    • DWP contact
    • Let’s talk Lincolnshire registered participants
    • Lincolnshire Council for Voluntary Youth Services
    • Children’s Links
    • the LCC ethnic minority and traveller education team
    • YMCA Lincolnshire
    • LCVS, VCS
    • Shine network
    • local health and wellbeing networks
  • messages were sent through the internal communications newsletter to all staff
  • email message to all councillors, asking them to help raise awareness of the survey and circulate the page link to their networks