Convert a civil partnership into marriage

Conversion options

There are two routes to convert a Civil Partnership to a marriage:

Conversion Appointment only

This is a simple one-stage process to convert your civil partnership to a marriage that can be completed by appointment at any of our Registration Offices.

The appointment should take about half an hour, and both civil partners must attend with all the required documents.

The declaration will be prepared and then immediately signed by both of you in the presence of the superintendent registrar, who will also sign to complete your conversion.

Conversion Appointment with Ceremony

This is a two stages process, the preparation of the declaration at a registry office and the signing of the declaration at a different location or time.

The first stage is the preparation of your declaration in readiness for signing. This can be completed by appointment at any of our Registration Offices. Both civil partners must attend together with all the required documents. Once prepared, the declaration must then be signed within 12 months of the preparation date.

The second stage is signing the declaration and completing your conversion. Both civil partners must attend together with a superintendent registrar, but you have the option to complete your signing at one of the following locations:

  • a registration office
  • An approved ceremony venue
  • a religious building where same-sex marriages are allowed

A Superintendent Registrar must be present at all venues.

Ceremony Fees

If you want to complete the declaration and sign it at your initial appointment, there is a fee of £50.

If you want to complete the declaration at an appointment but sign the declaration at a ceremony, there is a fee of £30 at the initial appointment plus a ceremony fee.

At a registration office, our ceremony fees are:

  • £220 - Monday to Thursday
  • £235 - Friday and Saturday

At a licensed venue, our ceremony fees are:

  • £410 - Monday to Thursday
  • £450 - Friday and Saturday

Our fee for a registrar to attend a religious building is £101.

Marriages certificates are £12.50 each.

A marriage certificate will be sent to you once the details of the signed declaration have been recorded in our system.

The certificate will indicate that your marriage should be treated as having existed from the date of your civil partnership and shows the conversion date.

Book your appointment

To book an appointment to complete a conversion into marriage, please get in touch with us.