Keep Lincolnshire Growing

Training, safety and compliance

Training and careers

Safety and compliance

  • Lincolnshire Trading Standards enforce a wide range of legislation relevant to agricultural businesses, including animal health and welfare, food, feed, and weights and measures. The team provides advice and guidance on these specialist areas and general advice about trading practices and legal obligations on businesses trading with the public, be it at the farm gate or over the internet. This advice can help protect your business and ensure you comply with the law. The first hour of advice is free and then provided on a pay-as-you-go basis. They offer Primary Authority to those businesses who wish to sign up, and provide assured advice through this.
  • Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue have produced fire safety advice for farmers, including information about arson prevention and risk assessments businesses can complete.  
  • Lincolnshire County Council is the Lead Local Flood Authority and will investigate flooding where necessary and publish the results. The investigations determine if there is anything any relevant authorities could or should do in response. Priority is given to flooding, which affects properties that have been internally flooded, but formal investigations may also take place when at least 2 hectares of Grade 3+ agricultural land is flooded for more than two days.